Monday, March 28, 2016

Field Grass Wallpaper ∼ Ozadje za telefone: travnik

I have been toying around with the idea of creating wallpapers. I am not a graphic designer and do not have experience with doing this at all, so I am really just going to post the photos. When/if I get better at graphic design I might do some of those, but for now there will be a few photographs. So the first wallpaper is of grass, and it might be a good wallpaper because it reminds us about nature. I really like the photo and the minute I took it I thought of using it as a wallpaper. Without further ado, "Field Grass". You can download the image and then use it as the background, I am not sure how to make it simpler.

Nisem grafična dizajnerka in ne znam pravilno vsega tega delati, vendar sem se odločila se preizkusiti tudi v teh vodah. Prvo ozadje, ki je načeloma namenjen za telefone, je s travnika. Preprosto si naložite sliko in si jo nastavite za ozadje.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Kako splesti preprogo

The same article is posted in English here.
Kaj naredite s staro posteljnino? Našla sem super rešitev, splesti preprogo.

IDEJE: Sveče

About a year ago I posted the same article in English and decided to post it separately in Slovene as well.
Ponovno je december in z mrazom prihaja tema prej in prej, sonce pa vzhaja vedno bolj kasneje. Zaradi tega vedno prav pridejo sveče. Skupaj sem dala nekaj povezav, kjer lahko najdete navodila za izdelavo sveč. Večina jih je pa na žalost v angleščini.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

25 Thoughts Everyone Has While Visiting Florence

Because visiting Tuscany in the Summer seemed like a good idea.