Friday, December 5, 2014

DIY Candle Roundup

It's already December and when I wake up for school it's still dark and I HATE it. I don't think that we were meant to be waking up before the sun rises. Beside that, it gets dark really fast as well and sometimes, I am not even home from school when it's pitch black. What is better that lighting a candle and enjoying its light? Okay, maybe light a fireplace fire, but besides that... Nothing!

That is why I decided to share a few ideas on how to make your own candles.

Candle mold ideas and tips
This is a useful video that comes with a really good and informative article on molds from Shamrock Candles.

Coffee candle
Olive Oil Candle
Post image for Olive Oil Candles
I also found these cute candle ideas on one of Disney's sites, but it doesn't exist and I couldn't find the proper link, so I will link it to the Disney craft site. These are more for inspiration.

Ice candle
These ice candles look great! The link doesn't work, but to achieve this look, you add ice while pouring melted wax into a mold
To make this candle, your drop crushed ice cubes into the candle mold while pouting in the melted wax. I already tried it and I really liked how it turned out.

Christmas tree candle
I want to make this for Christmas! The link doesn't work, but just as inspiration!
I haven't tried this yet, but I image making by making a pyramid from a cereal box and securing the wick in the point and then put the mold into a glass or mug, so it would stay in place.

Colour blocked candle
I found an image on Pinterest for making colour blocked candles, but later realized that the link was to a site without the link to an original post or something,

Happy crafting!

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