It is really annoying when you start baking and realize you don't have all the ingredients and have to run to the store. That is why I like to substitute ingredients. You can't substitute all of the ingredients and you can't expect the same flavour, but it is still good. I like to use the common ingredient chart from allrecipes. I want to share my version of it with you guys and I hope you will use it. I will only include the ingredients that are the most common in baking recipes.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Ingredient substitutions
It is really annoying when you start baking and realize you don't have all the ingredients and have to run to the store. That is why I like to substitute ingredients. You can't substitute all of the ingredients and you can't expect the same flavour, but it is still good. I like to use the common ingredient chart from allrecipes. I want to share my version of it with you guys and I hope you will use it. I will only include the ingredients that are the most common in baking recipes.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Gingerbread cookies
This Christmas I knew I wanted to have gingerbread cookies. I made the dough on Saturday and planned to make the cookies on Christmas eve, so they'll be fresh. I was so busy on Christmas eve that I didn't get a chance to bake the cookies, so I baked them yesterday. I think that they turned out great, so I'll share this recipe with you. I used a recipe from allrecipes, except that I halved it.
(My cookies kind of crumbled when I put them in the cookie jar because I didn't let them cool completely.)
Homemade oreos
I was searching the Chocolate-covered Katie blog and found a recipe for homemade oreos. I tried making them and they turned out okay.
Caramel sauce / Karamelni preliv

So today I decided to make caramel sauce. I thought it would be pretty easy, since all of the instructions I read were pretty simple. Boy was I wrong! It took me three times to perfect the recipe. The first time I didn't let the sugar change colour to a deep amber, so the ˝caramel˝ tastes like sweet vanilla pudding. The second time I tried to make caramel, I accidentally over burned the sugar (by just a few seconds!) and it tasted horrible. The third time, the caramel came out just the way I wanted. For my first try, I used the recipe from Fifteen spatulas, the second and third from Life and Kitchen. In the last recipe I didn't add the vanilla bean and it still turned out fine.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Shoe insoles / Vložki za čevlje
Pozimi sem nosila zelo lepe škornje, ampak so imeli zelo tanke podplate. Zato sem sešila posebne vložke za v škornje iz volnenega filca. Zdaj mi je zelo toplo v njih in me ne skrbi, da bi lahko zeblo.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Fabric flowers / Rože iz blaga

A few weeks ago, when I decided to make this blog, I made some vintage fabric flowers. They look very nice. I kind of followed instructions from Maize Hutton, yet I tried to make it a bit simpler.
Nekaj časa nazaj sem naredila rože iz blaga. Sledila sem navodilom Maize Hutton, vendar sem naredila malo bolj preprostejšo verzijo.
Homemade deodorant / Naravni dezodorant
During the summer, I wanted to make my own deodorant, since I didn't want to use the commercial ones with aluminum and other harsh chemicals. Since I was home almost the entire summer, I had a chance to test it out. I still don't use it on a daily basis since I really don't want an option of stinking in public, but it's great to use on a Saturday at home. I used a recipe from passionate homemaking, except I used shortening instead of the coconut oil.
Lansko poletje sem želela preizkusiti naravni dezodorant, saj sem bila večino časa doma. Naravni dezodoranti nimajo aluminija in drugih kemikalij, zato so tudi bolj priporočeni za uporabo. Dezodoranta še zmeraj ne uporabljam dnevno, ampak je super ob sobotah, ko sem doma. Uporabila sem ta recept, samo, da sem uporabila fino namesto kokosovega olja. Oboje je v redu.
Lansko poletje sem želela preizkusiti naravni dezodorant, saj sem bila večino časa doma. Naravni dezodoranti nimajo aluminija in drugih kemikalij, zato so tudi bolj priporočeni za uporabo. Dezodoranta še zmeraj ne uporabljam dnevno, ampak je super ob sobotah, ko sem doma. Uporabila sem ta recept, samo, da sem uporabila fino namesto kokosovega olja. Oboje je v redu.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
The best brownies ever! / Browniji
I've got a recipe from my mom for these amazing brownies that are really easy to make. They are super fudgy and delicious!
Moja mami je že pred leti dobila izvrsten recept za "brownies" oziroma "rvjavčke". Ta recept je hiter in speče mehke in okusne brownije. Ta recept je tako preprost, da ga z lahkoto lahko podvojiš.
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