During the summer, I wanted to make my own deodorant, since I didn't want to use the commercial ones with aluminum and other harsh chemicals. Since I was home almost the entire summer, I had a chance to test it out. I still don't use it on a daily basis since I really don't want an option of stinking in public, but it's great to use on a Saturday at home. I used a recipe from passionate homemaking, except I used shortening instead of the coconut oil.
Lansko poletje sem želela preizkusiti naravni dezodorant, saj sem bila večino časa doma. Naravni dezodoranti nimajo aluminija in drugih kemikalij, zato so tudi bolj priporočeni za uporabo. Dezodoranta še zmeraj ne uporabljam dnevno, ampak je super ob sobotah, ko sem doma. Uporabila sem ta recept, samo, da sem uporabila fino namesto kokosovega olja. Oboje je v redu.
To make the deodorant, you need:
- 6 to 8 tablespoons (85-115 gram) shortening
- 1/4 cup (88 grams) baking soda
- 1/4 cup (30 grams) cornstarch

1. Combine the baking soda and cornstarch.
2. Blend into the shortening. You can use your hands.
3.Put the mixture, which should be solid, yet still soft, into an empty, cleaned out deodorant dispenser.
This is the easiest way to make deodorant and it uses ingredients that are almost always in a kitchen.
Lansko poletje sem želela preizkusiti naravni dezodorant, saj sem bila večino časa doma. Naravni dezodoranti nimajo aluminija in drugih kemikalij, zato so tudi bolj priporočeni za uporabo. Dezodoranta še zmeraj ne uporabljam dnevno, ampak je super ob sobotah, ko sem doma. Uporabila sem ta recept, samo, da sem uporabila fino namesto kokosovega olja. Oboje je v redu.
To make the deodorant, you need:
- 6 to 8 tablespoons (85-115 gram) shortening
- 1/4 cup (88 grams) baking soda
- 1/4 cup (30 grams) cornstarch

1. Combine the baking soda and cornstarch.
2. Blend into the shortening. You can use your hands.
3.Put the mixture, which should be solid, yet still soft, into an empty, cleaned out deodorant dispenser.
This is the easiest way to make deodorant and it uses ingredients that are almost always in a kitchen.
Za dezodorant potrebujete:
- 78-104 gramov fine za peko (najdemo jo pri maslu, ampak, ker je iz rastlinskih maščob, se lahko shrani za več časa)
- 77 gramov sode bikarbone
- 28 gramov koruznega škroba
- Skupaj zmešajte sodo bikarbono in koruzni škrob.
- Vanj dobro vmešajte fino. Lažje je z rokami.
- Dajte mešanico, ki bi morala biti trdna, a še vedno mehka, v prazno, očiščeno posodico za dezodorant.
Upam, da boste poskusili narediti naravni dezodorant.
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